Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Millburn/Short Hills

Our town celebrated it's 150th Anniversary and it was a blast. We had all the bells and whistles and from what I understand, close to 10,000 people. The real estate company I'm affiliated with, Burgdorff Realtors had put together a fabulous float based on the Wizard of Oz, "There's No Place Like Home".

There I was marching down Millburn Avenue, alongside the Mummers Band from Philadelphia, and touching base with people I've known for the last 25 years. What fun!

I Will...Advertise!

Some of you may know that for one brief moment I actually considered moving to NYC. Crazy huh? I've been living in and loving Short Hills for 25 years -- why would I ever want to leave? And I wanted to make sure you all knew I was staying put!

That's where my cousin Andy came in.

Andy's a NYC graphic designer and overall pretty creative kind of guy. Together, we came up with this advertising campaign that is all about why I'm staying here...the "I Will" campaign.

Well I got a lot of attention. A Lot! And it only reminded me of all the people in my community that make Short Hills more than just a great place to own real estate, it reminded me of why I call this place home.

By the way, if you'd like to see Andy's blog go to: